wtorek, 18 maja 2010

The Fund of a Magyar Says Yes to Some Miners

It turns out that George Soros's fund now owns about nine smaller gold stocks. Obviously, he sees the potential for the gold bull market to do something exciting and thinks that these junior miners may be a good place to have some exposure. Since I agree with him about that, I hope he's right.

As for the stock market itself and what to expect, Jason Goepfert and Mr. Skin have similar ideas: For the time being, the 1100 level on the S&P may be tough to break through on the downside, so we could be in for a period of rangy action between that and 1180 before getting some resolution of what the market wants to do. They seem to feel like the market's got a decent shot at attempting something higher, after going through a period of digestion first, even if that rally turns out to be a failing rally down the road and we ultimately break 1100 on the downside. But now I'm getting too many steps ahead of myself. Personally, I am choosing to do nothing about stocks generically. I would prefer to continue with my idea of attempting to capitalize on moneyprinting and its consequences.
Index Close % Change
Dow 10510.95 -1.08
S&P 500 1120.8 -1.42
Nasdaq 2317.26 -1.57
Nasdaq 100 1887.06 -1.48
Russell 2000 682.75 -1.86
Sox Index 348.85 -2.93
Bank Index 51.24 -3.72
Dow Transports 4420.38 -1.31
Dow Utilities 375.49 -1.05
Nikkei 225 10242.64 +0.07
Gold - Front Month 1221.7 -0.52
Silver - Front Month 19.04 +0.93
Crude Oil 69.19 -1.27
Dollar Index 87.09 +1.08
Euro Spot 1.22 -1.51
Long Bond 20-year 122.91 +1.21
FOTM - Yen Spot 92.22 +0.4
5/18/2010 1:15 PM

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