środa, 26 maja 2010

The Sentiment Tide

(Kirkreport)After yesterday’s gap reversal, the market struggled to find its footing today.

While we started the day off strong, S&P 1,090 proved to be very strong overhead resistance. News that China is reviewing its Euro holdings certainly didn’t help matters. Yet, we now will get to see if that possible right shoulder of the inverse H&S pattern can form over the next couple of trading sessions as we close out May.
For what it is worth, most of the traders who I spent a lot of time with today are convinced that if the market doesn’t hold Tuesday’s lows at S&P 1,040 then all long bets are off. Indeed, we have a nervous market out there at the moment with traders unwilling to give long positions much rope if any. In fact when you see these intraday reversals, it is a clear sign that traders aren’t willing to even hold overnight for fear of being caught in a negative gap the following morning.

As Good As Paper?

Our turnaround yesterday inspired strength in world equity markets, especially in Europe, which had gained about 3%. That buoyancy helped fuel a rally of about 1.5% in the first hour here, but the next hour saw those gains nearly evaporate. Another rally was attempted. It fizzled, and with an hour to go the market was just fractionally higher for the session. The last hour saw lots of selling and the indices lost 0.75% or so, closing on the lows.

If . . .
Today's action was pathetic, as the market just couldn't hold a bid. So, while yesterday's reversal looked okay, it meant little. Now we'll need to see if those lows from yesterday get taken out. If they do, it's gonna get pretty ugly pretty fast.
If not, and the market lows have been seen for now (which could still be the case), then the next order of business is to find out how far the rally can carry and what it looks like. My expectation is that the rally will fail (below the April highs) at some point down the road and there may be an attractive opportunity to set up shorts, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
Away from stocks: The dollar was mixed, with the euro the worst major currency on the planet as it sank against essentially everything. Piggys were lower, oil gained about 3%, and silver added 2% to gold's 1%.
On the subject of gold, I would like to make a few points. It's really interesting to me that there is so much angst concerning gold, given that it has been the longest-surviving monetary asset by a factor of almost 100, versus the short lifespan of the average paper-currency regime.
It is also interesting that the lexicon is riddled with references to gold as being a very desirable asset to possess. People talk about such-and-such being "as good as gold" (never "as good as colored paper"); or they'll describe some great business as "a gold mine"; or, they'll talk about "the golden rule" as though it's an ironclad law. Yet, most people continue to treat gold like dirt, or worse.

Gold has been an asset that's helped protect and deliver gains vs. paper money for the last 10 years running, yet the popular press heaps nothing but scorn on it. Even people who own gold seem to suffer angst regularly, based on the questions I continually receive in Ask Fleck. Meanwhile, Bubblevision and other media outlets persist in telling you how great stocks are, although this asset class has cost people money for a decade.

The current level of skepticism is nicely illustrated by the recent short-interest surge in the GLD exchange-traded fund. It's now doubled, standing at about 30 million shares (around 3 million ounces). Meanwhile, when the gold market recently fell out of bed, ETF holders at the margin liquidated no ounces; and in the last couple days, they added a whopping 50 tons (a phenomenon occurring in other places around the planet as well). Thus, as a wise commodity-trading friend said many years ago, you can be with the trend and still contrary.
While I don't believe that gold is a totally contrary concept, it is contrary from the standpoint of there being so few avid believers though the list of high-quality investors who now hold gold has become quite impressive.
I keep waiting for the day when folks realize that if you invest in the shares of a goldmining company, you basically own a piece of "the money-creation machine." It's sort of like owning a central bank that isn't staffed by losers. In any case, at some point I expect to see the masses rabidly bullish about gold and goldmining companies, though obviously we're a long ways from there.
Index Close % Change
Dow 9974.45 -0.69
S&P 500 1067.95 -0.57
Nasdaq 2195.88 -0.68
Nasdaq 100 1796.47 -1.06
Russell 2000 642.62 +0.41
Sox Index 343.78 -0.21
Bank Index 49.13 -0.2
Dow Transports 4247.28 +1.14
Dow Utilities 354.59 -0.39
Nikkei 225 9522.66 +0.66
Gold - Front Month 1213.6 +1.15
Silver - Front Month 18.08 +1.68
Crude Oil 70.69 +2.82
Dollar Index 87.22 +1.01
Euro Spot 1.22 -1.4
Long Bond 20-year 124.78 -0.37
FOTM - Yen Spot 89.93 +0.33
5/26/2010 4:15 PM

AONE at these levels is a steal

This stock has been beaten into a sad pulp since its ipo levels.

NFLX gets an upgrade

NEW YORK (AP) -- Rivals' shuttered rental stores and its new application for streaming-enabled mobile devices puts Netflix Inc. in "the sweet spot of its growth phase," an analyst said Tuesday, raising his price target and profit estimates for the online movie rental company.
The success of Netflix's application to stream video on Apple Inc.'s new iPad tablet computers will continue to drive subscriber growth, FBR Capital Markets analyst Heath Terry wrote in a note to investors. The application will eventually be available for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
Meanwhile, Movie Gallery, the nation's second-largest movie rental chain, is in the process of closing its 1,050 remaining stores after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
"As fewer neighborhoods are able to support retail stores, renters will be increasingly pushed to other options: kiosks, (video-on-demand) and Netflix," Terry said, lifting his price target on Netflix's stock to $130 from $100 and maintaining an "outperform" rating on the stock. Terry also raised his estimate for 2011 earnings to $2.7 billion from $2.6 billion.
The company will offset the price of adding and improving content by streaming video, which costs about 5 cents per film compared with 90 cents to $1 for DVD fulfillment, Terry said.

Auriga upgrades FSLR to buy

WE ARE UPGRADING SHARES of First Solar (ticker: FSLR) to Buy from Hold.
The recent selloff has created an attractive entry point, and even with our reduced estimates, we forecast 21% upside to our current price target of $138. We attribute the recent decline in share price to the depreciation of the euro relative to the dollar, and not because of fundamental change with regard to supply/demand within the solar industry. With the recent announcement of First Solar pushing project business into 2011, our model recognizes that more module sales will be denominated in euros in 2010.

That said, we also recognize and credit First Solar's aggressive currency hedging activities and about 15% natural hedge from manufacturing in Germany to buffer the effect of a weakened Euro. Our new price target of $138 is 20 times our 2011 earnings-per-share estimate of $6.89. Our old price target of $147 was 19 times our prior 2011 EPS of $7.74.
In our recent initiation report, we highlighted that First Solar's business model is highly sensitive to the euro/dollar exchange rate. We recognize that the rapid depreciation of the euro will limit profitability despite the company's hedging efforts. The recent strategy shift to sell more modules in 2010, rather than projects, will likely result in roughly 85% euro denominated revenues compared to the 66% that we originally estimated. We are now modeling a euro/dollar exchange rate of 1.25 for both second-half 2010 and 2011, and are providing a sensitivity analysis to 1.15. Our previous model assumed a 1.35 exchange rate.
In addition to the lower euro/dollar exchange rate, we made one material change to 2011. With the push-out of the project business into next year, we have increased our dollar-denominated revenue to 30%; this change slightly offsets some of the effect of the weaker euro. We note that First Solar has hedged out 52% of its 2010 euro-denominated sales at a rate of 1.39.
-- Mark W. Bachman

wtorek, 25 maja 2010

Gold Stocks Are "Golden"

Last week's rout around the world continued yesterday and last night, with many markets declining 3% plus or minus. U.S. indices, after having opened almost 3% lower, were off "merely" 2% or so an hour into the day (and by midday had trimmed the losses almost in half), with only gold stocks bucking the undertow, along with gold.
So, for all the times that gold stocks have served as whipping boys, they were the port in the storm today (until the last hour). Also, for what it's worth, gold stocks currently have a triple "threat" working in their favor: oil prices aggressively lower; plus both the dollar and gold higher -- the sum of which benefits their earnings, cash flow, etc.
A Greenspan Thesis Is Shredded Though many people read the recent weakness as a sign that we must crash soon, I see it somewhat differently. (Which doesn't mean we couldn't . . . it's just not my view.) Markets collectively have demonstrated that they are in fact bigger than the central banks -- a message that Alan Greenspan tried to prove wrong for 20 years. He and other charlatan central bankers everywhere have wreaked massive havoc on the world for two decades. The sooner they're seen for the clueless incompetents that they were/are, the sooner the world can start thinking about how best to pursue sounder policies, including a new gold standard. But in the meantime, in some ways world stock markets are now on their own, as central banks have used up a considerable amount of their ammo in the last two years, with rates still nearly zero almost everywhere.
And, even if quantitative easing is restarted (or, should I say when), it's not clear to me how that will boost psychology as it did in 2008/2009, when QE was part and parcel of lowering rates. Now, there's no real ability to lower rates in the Western world (though the potential outcome of more moneyprinting has not been lost on gold).

Gold Stocks Get an Upgrade
On the subject of gold, an important development occurred today: Finally, a dead fish (pulling a page from past cycles in other industries) raised his target on gold for 2011/2012 and upped his opinion on a handful of large gold stocks -- which is a potentially meaningful change in psychology that I expect to see prospectively. I have repeatedly said that part of what has held back gold stocks has been folks' angst that the price of gold is ultimately (or sooner) headed way back below $1000; and that when that view changed, gold stocks might "perform" better.
I don't want to make too much out of a single data point. But I believe that today's dead-fish upgrade (the firm was UBS -- not a small bucket shop) may be a harbinger of future action, as the naysayers embrace gold at some point. That will be a sight to behold.
Back to the action: The last 90 minutes saw the market drive higher and recover essentially all its losses. If we don't see a big collapse tomorrow, my guess would be that we see a decent rally attempt from these levels.
Away from stocks: The dollar was on fire once again (ex the yen). Oil lost 1.5%. The piggys were predictably higher. Silver lost a fraction while gold gained 0.5%.
Index Close % Change
Dow 10043.75 -0.23
S&P 500 1074.03 +0.04
Nasdaq 2210.95 -0.12
Nasdaq 100 1815.68 +0.02
Russell 2000 640.02 -0.19
Sox Index 344.51 +0.58
Bank Index 49.23 +1.03
Dow Transports 4199.57 +0
Dow Utilities 355.99 -0.7
Nikkei 225 9459.89 -3.06
Gold - Front Month 1198 +0.34
Silver - Front Month 17.78 -0.78
Crude Oil 68.75 -2.08
Dollar Index 86.46 +0.3
Euro Spot 1.24 +0.27
Long Bond 20-year 125.25 +0.7
FOTM - Yen Spot 90.39 -0.18
5/25/2010 4:31:38 PM

poniedziałek, 24 maja 2010

Promising Chinese Medical Stock

When markets are dealing out losses left and right, as they are now, it’s a good idea to pull in your horns and keep lots of cash in your account. But that doesn’t mean you can just put your feet up and enjoy a refreshing beverage.
The construction of a Watch List of likely stocks is, itself, a dividend-paying investment.
My candidate for further observation is a small (market cap of $328 million), thinly traded (130,000 shares per day, on average) Chinese biopharmaceutical company called China Biologic Products (CBPO). The stock uplisted to the Nasdaq exchange just last November, and it has been performing well despite a challenging market environment.
The company’s lead product is human albumin, a blood protein that accounted for half of 2009 revenues, and various forms of immunoglobulin. Albumin is vital during medical emergencies and immunoglobulin can prevent and treat many diseases.
The company’s 2009 sales were up 155% over 2008, and Q1 results showed a 27% gain in earnings on a 28% jump in revenues, with a 27.1% after-tax profit margin. Expansion is coming via both M&A activity and construction of new plasma collection stations.

This is a great stock for your watch list, and when the market turns up again it may provide your portfolio with a real shot in the arm.

Stocks Hammered In Final Minutes Of The Day

On Friday, things were looking mixed until the final moments of the day, and then stocks surged. Today, it was the reverse. After only being down modestly, stocks really got hit hard in the final 15 minutes of trading.
But first, the scoreboard:
Dow: -126 (-1.24%)
S&P 500: -14 (-1.29%)
NASDAQ: -15.49 (-0.7%)

And now to the day's top stories:
* Today's markets were characterized by calm selling, which is a departure from last week's panic selling, but also indicative of a new mindset that when there's no major news, the default is to sell. And then of course, the markets dove in the final minutes. See Deutsche Bank's cause for bullishness here >
* Financial stocks were hit the hardest, as banking fears grow, and questions about financial reform linger. Losers included Bank of America (BAC), Goldman Sachs (GS), and Morgan Stanley (MS) Click here to see the hedge fund managers getting hammered >
* An issues that's been of concern for some time -- Spanish debt and the health of its banking system -- is starting to come into the fore. This weekend Spain seized one bank, and today investors were unnerved by an organized merger of four weaker institutions. For more on the Spanish banking crisis see here >
* The oil leak in the Gulf continues to spew unabated. Towns in Louisiana are already seeing a major hit to real estate. See what Grand Isle Louisiana, arguably ground zero, looks like now >
* One notable winner today was gold which, after selling off last week, rebounded nicely today.
Index Close % Change
Dow 10193.84 +1.25
S&P 500 1087.72 +1.51
Nasdaq 2229.04 +1.14
Nasdaq 100 1822.77 +1.26
Russell 2000 649.49 +1.48
Sox Index 349.12 +2.5
Bank Index 50.39 +3.98
Dow Transports 4241.59 +1.95
Dow Utilities 361.8 +0.55
Nikkei 225 9784.54 -2.45
Gold - Front Month 1176.8 -0.99
Silver - Front Month 17.66 -0.28
Crude Oil 70.16 -0.9
Dollar Index 85.33 -0.8
Euro Spot 1.26 +0.76
Long Bond 20-year 124.59 +0.45
FOTM - Yen Spot 89.99 -0.34
5/21/2010 4:02 PM

środa, 19 maja 2010

Avoiding The Stock Market

In the wake of the stock market’s “flash crash” on May 6, there have been an increasing number of reports that retail investors (“Ma and Pa”) are pulling their money out of stocks. Beyond that, some commentators have stepped forward to speak out and advise retail investors to steer clear of the stock market, due to the volatility caused by “high-frequency trading” or HFT. One recent example of this was Felix Salmon’s video message, which appeared at The Huffington Post.

HFT involves a practice wherein firms are paid a small “rebate” (approximately one-half cent per trade) by the exchanges themselves when the firms buy and sell stocks. The purpose of paying firms to make such trades (often selling a stock for the same price they paid for it) is to provide liquidity for the markets. As a result, retail investors would not have to worry about getting stuck in a “roach motel” – not being able to get out once they got in – after buying a stock. Many firms involved in high-frequency trading (Goldman Sachs, RGM Advisors, Tradebot Systems and others) have their computer servers “co-located” in the same building as the exchange, in order to get each of their orders processed a few nanoseconds faster than orders coming from further distances (albeit at the speed of light). The Zero Hedge website has been critical of HFT for quite a while. They recently published this informative piece on the subject, pointing out how HFT firms caused the catastrophe on May 6:

.. . when the selling in size commences they all just shut down. So much for providing liquidity when it is needed.

At The Market Ticker website, Karl Denninger explained how HFT platforms often use “predatory algorithms” to drive a stock’s price up to the full extent of a customer’s limit order (a practice called “frontrunning”):

Let's say that there is a buyer willing to buy 100,000 shares of BRCM with a limit price of $26.40. That is, the buyer will accept any price up to $26.40.

But the market at this particular moment in time is at $26.10, or thirty cents lower.

So the computers, having detected via their "flash orders" (which ought to be illegal) that there is a desire for Broadcom shares, start to issue tiny (typically 100 share lots) "immediate or cancel" orders - IOCs - to sell at $26.20. If that order is "eaten" the computer then issues an order at $26.25, then $26.30, then $26.35, then $26.40. When it tries $26.45 it gets no bite and the order is immediately canceled.

Now the flush of supply comes at, big coincidence, $26.39, and the claim is made that the market has become "more efficient."

Nonsense; there was no "real seller" at any of these prices! This pattern of offering was intended to do one and only one thing - manipulate the market by discovering what is supposed to be a hidden piece of information - the other side's limit price!

The extent to which frontrunning takes place was the subject of a recent conversation between Larry Tabb of Tabb Group and Erin Burnett on CNBC. The Zero Hedge website provided this analysis of the video clip:

The funniest bit of the exchange occurs at 3:35 into the clip, when Tabb publicly discloses that front-running is not only legal but occurs all the time on open exchanges. When Erin Burnett, who unfortunately still thinks that the Deutsche Mark is used in Germany, asks who is doing the front running, Tabb says "It could be anyone."

A recent piece by Josh Lipton at the Minyanville website focused on the activity of retail investors since the recent “flash crash”:

Specifically, during the past week through May 12, your friends and neighbors pulled $2.8 billion out of US stock funds, according to the latest data from the professional number crunchers at Lipper FMI.

To put that stat in context, we called up Robert Adler, the head of Lipper FMI Americas, for a chat this morning. He tells us that’s the most investors have pulled out, in fact, since March 11, 2009.

At the same time, says Adler, investors plowed $16.6 billion into money-market funds. “That’s the first inflows money market funds have seen in the last 16 weeks,” he says.

* * *

“There was an about-face this past week by investors,” Adler says, noting that such outflows from both equity and bond funds, and a sharp reversal in money market funds, demonstrate a clear and dramatic shift in sentiment.

The analyst is quick to emphasize, however, that one week doesn’t make a trend. “We have to wait another week to see whether this was simply event driven or if this is the beginning of a new trend,” he says.

The current risk-aversion experienced by retail investors is compounded by the ugly truth that stocks are currently overvalued. Shawn Tully of Fortune made this very clear in a May 17 commentary, wherein he provided us with a sage bit of prognostication:

Here's how I see the odds. The chances are about one in three that we suffer a huge, wrenching correction in the next year or two similar to the one in 1987. That possibility is so high because stocks are so startlingly expensive. Another high probability event is that markets go on a long sideways grind, with smaller drops along the way. What's extremely unlikely is that the market rises substantially from current levels and stays there for any extended period.

Whatever happens in the next couple of years, the odds are overwhelming that investors who buy stocks today will reap puny returns for 10 years. For example, if you'd purchased shares at today's PE of 22 in early 2003, you would have gotten a return of around 3% a year, barely enough to compensate for inflation, let alone buy the blood pressure medication you'd need to survive the scary ride of stock ownership.

Now let's look out a decade or two. The evidence is extremely strong that price matters, and matters a lot: except in rare cases, buying stocks when they are pricey -- when the Shiller PE exceeds 20 -- leads to puny returns ten years later.

Not that you'd ever know that from the happy talk from Wall Street. So screen the noise out, and follow the numbers. They'll eventually get better for investors. But to get back there, we may revisit October of 1987.

Considering the unlimited number of awful news events unfolding in America and around the world right now, we could be headed for a market crash much worse that that of October, 1987. Cheers!

wtorek, 18 maja 2010

The Fund of a Magyar Says Yes to Some Miners

It turns out that George Soros's fund now owns about nine smaller gold stocks. Obviously, he sees the potential for the gold bull market to do something exciting and thinks that these junior miners may be a good place to have some exposure. Since I agree with him about that, I hope he's right.

As for the stock market itself and what to expect, Jason Goepfert and Mr. Skin have similar ideas: For the time being, the 1100 level on the S&P may be tough to break through on the downside, so we could be in for a period of rangy action between that and 1180 before getting some resolution of what the market wants to do. They seem to feel like the market's got a decent shot at attempting something higher, after going through a period of digestion first, even if that rally turns out to be a failing rally down the road and we ultimately break 1100 on the downside. But now I'm getting too many steps ahead of myself. Personally, I am choosing to do nothing about stocks generically. I would prefer to continue with my idea of attempting to capitalize on moneyprinting and its consequences.
Index Close % Change
Dow 10510.95 -1.08
S&P 500 1120.8 -1.42
Nasdaq 2317.26 -1.57
Nasdaq 100 1887.06 -1.48
Russell 2000 682.75 -1.86
Sox Index 348.85 -2.93
Bank Index 51.24 -3.72
Dow Transports 4420.38 -1.31
Dow Utilities 375.49 -1.05
Nikkei 225 10242.64 +0.07
Gold - Front Month 1221.7 -0.52
Silver - Front Month 19.04 +0.93
Crude Oil 69.19 -1.27
Dollar Index 87.09 +1.08
Euro Spot 1.22 -1.51
Long Bond 20-year 122.91 +1.21
FOTM - Yen Spot 92.22 +0.4
5/18/2010 1:15 PM